Welcome to my links and more site!
This is a section for everything link-related: all the links I personally find interesting, webrings I am part of, pages I link, and even my very own web button!! Have fun :D
My web button
Heheheh, you can link my page with this little shiny button!
Links I like!
- | Sadgrl.online | An interesting collection of all kinds of webmastery-related stuff and more!
- | Photopea | Free Photoshop-like website
- | w3schools | Huge amount of web development tutorials, really nice to know of if you're into website development
- | Photomosh | An extremely nice site to add effects to images and export them as gifs, also very high quality even without a premium subscription
- | Old Graphics Archive | A archive of old website graphics, layouts, and other stuff. Nice to know of if you're doing a retro aesthetic site (like 98% of Neocities! :D)
- | Web 1.0 buttons | Another archiving site, in this case the site has a HUGE colection of 88x31 buttons
- | Medical study resources | A huge list of anatomy and phisiology related resources, all provided by The University Of Michigan's Medical School, without any cost
- | Zooniverse | A page that let's you aid scientific research by sorting evidence, and also gives you extensive tutorials and help so that it isn't complicated! Science rocks!
- | Folkscanomy: A Library of Books | I cannot even begin to describe how fucking awesome this Archive.org collection is, genuinely. According to the website's detail page: "Folkscanomy: A collection of books and text derived from the efforts of volunteers to make information as widely available as possible. Because the metadata related to these scanned books are often done outside the library or cataloging industries, finding material can be more difficult. The Folkscanomy collection attempts to add a layer of classification for easier navigation."
People's pages I like!
Webrings I'm in!